Critteden- National Wine Show Trophy Winner

It is with great excitement and humility that we share our win at the prestigious National Wine Show last night.

Our Cri de Coeur Savagnin Sous Voile was judged best in class, awarded the White Varietal Trophy by a panel of Australia’s most renowned wine judges.  

The National Wine Show of Australia is undoubtably the most coveted wine show in Australia, representing the pinnacle of excellence in winemaking. We were up against wines that had won gold at one of the 32 qualifying wine shows in Australia, with winners recognised as ‘the best of the best of Australian wine’.

Rollo graciously accepted the handblown Trophy from the Prime Minister, stating that he was equally surprised as he was delighted to receive the award. “To be recognised with a trophy at the National Wine Show is extremely humbling and encouraging that a show of this calibre saw fit to recognise a wine that is quite different from the Australian norm. It’s also further endorsement of the positive impact our sustainable efforts in the vineyard are having on the quality of our wines.”

Born from a very fortunate mistake of inadvertently planting Savagnin in the belief we were planting Albarińo, our Sous Voile Savagnin continues to captivate wine critics and judges nationwide. Together with winemaker Matt Campbell, Rollo has been making the Sous Voile Savagnin for a number of years and it continues to receive awards and accolades across vintages. These include three prior trophies, four gold medals and the national Drink Easy Awards ‘Best Overall Drink of the Year’ in 2021 (for the 2016 vintage).

It has certainly cemented its place in Crittenden’s history as one of our most critically acclaimed wines.

We are absolutely thrilled by the win and privileged to showcase the excellence of the Mornington Peninsula wine region.

Warm regards,

Rollo, Zoe & the Crittenden team

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